Heard 7 Days a Week!!

Truth That Transforms

Hosted By Pastor Jason Wilkerson

Truth that Transforms is the daily podcast of Disciples Fellowship Church. Each weekday, solid, theologically conservative, expository teaching is delivered in segments that easily fit into the flow of your busy day.

Our goal is to equip you to "be renewed" daily through the "transformation of your mind" by the "living and active Word of God" (Rom. 12:1-2, Heb. 4:12).

Truth that Transforms is Broadcast each Morning, Monday through Saturday at 9:00am and every Sunday at both 9:00am and 12:00pm on Revelation Radio. (All times Central)

The Podcasts are also available on many platforms and directly from our podcasting website, or you can 'like' our Truth that Transforms Facebook page, which posts these transformative messages each day.